
What is 5G, how is it different from 4G, and when is it coming to the UK?

What is 5G, how is it different from 4G, and when is it coming to the UK?

It has dominated news headlines for months – but what exactly is 5G? You might have heard the term thrown about, but you may be left wondering exactly what it is and what it means for you. But wonder no more as we cover all you need to know about the new mobile network:   […]

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The pros and cons of cloud computing

The pros and cons of cloud computing

Losing data has become a thing of the past for businesses and casual tech users alike thanks to cloud computing. Cloud computing makes computer resources – everything from pictures and videos through to full programmes and games – available over the internet. These clouds can be used for a sole user, or as the base […]

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Is technology good for our well-being?

Is technology good for our well-being?

There is no doubt that technology plays a huge part in the wellness industry. Wearable technology has made it possible for us to track our every step and monitor our calories, but is technology beneficial for our well-being or a detriment? The rise of technology and the availability of smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology means […]

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Tech event trends to look out for this Spring

Tech event trends to look out for this Spring

As we wave goodbye to the cold Winter months and welcome the warmth of Spring, we look forward to the upcoming events hitting venues across the UK and Europe Event technology has developed leaps and bounds in past years. Certain event-tech trends are bound to stay while some technologies will see major updates. Here are […]

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Tech resolutions to make in 2019

Tech resolutions to make in 2019

We may be well into 2019 now, but it doesn’t need to be January for you to make resolutions. As technology becomes more accessible and more integral part of our everyday lives, we can get into unhealthy routines surrounding how we use it. A few small tweaks in the settings of your phone, tablet or […]

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The Internet turns 30: Top facts about the World Wide Web

The Internet turns 30: Top facts about the World Wide Web

In October 1969, scientists at the University of California in Los Angeles attempted to exchange data between two computers – and the paving stones of the Internet were born. On March 12, 1989, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee, working for Europe’s physics lab CERN, proposed a decentralised system of information management, creating the World Wide Web […]

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